Opening Night
Thu, 11 Aug
Join us for the opening of Artbomb 22! A night filled with performance and art!

11 Aug 2022, 19:00 – 22:00 BST
Doncaster, Cleveland St, Doncaster, UK
Jola Kudela's Mural Opening
They Went To Sea by Jola Kudela is inspired by Edward Lear's limerick, The Jumblies.
The Jumblies go on a sea journey in the least suitable vessel, a sieve, abandoning the old status quo in search of something new, but without thinking the journey through. It's a metaphor for the migration movements around the world.
The mural triggers a video of a performance by the Fertile Ground dance company, choreographed by Malgorzata Dzierzon.
Performers are surrounded by a symbolic sea created with the help of an algorithm that generates graphic waves in real time, using the luminance and the movement of the dancers, as well as the frequency of the music. Music composed by Julia Kent
Dancers: Esmée Halliday, Lila Naruse, Beth Veitch, Benedicta Valentina Mamuini, Jonny Curry, Dzikamai W Mudamburi, Renaud Wiser
For the full experience, download Artivive on to your phone and hold it up to the mural to watch it come to life!
Ingrid Pollard is a photographer, media artist and researcher. She is a graduate of the London College of Printing and Derby University. Â Ingrid has developed a social practice concerned with representation, history and landscape with reference to race, difference and the materiality of lens based media. Her work is included in numerous collections including the UK Arts Council and the Victoria & Albert Museum. She lives and works in Northumbria, UK.
Loré Lixenberg, leader of The Voice Party (an opera and political party, standing in the UK 2019 election, the only political party you cannot join, it joins you) worked in comedy, physical-theatre and free-improvisation with Simon Munnery, Richard Thomas, Stewart Lee and Complicite.
Her pieces explore the intersectionality between digital, analogue and participatory worlds and their possibilities for new operatic forms, including ‘BIRD’, ' PANIC ROOM' (The Singterviews)’, real-time opera installation 'PRET A CHANTER', extended-voice dating app, 'SINGLR' and 'theVoicePartyOperaBotFarm[myFuryIsMyMuse]. Most recently she transcribed and recorded the piano rolls of Conlon Nancarrow for voice, in her project, 'NancarrowKaraoke'.
Matthew Rosier is an artist based in London. His work mixes technology with film and sound in the form of interactive and immersive installations in the public realm. His practice is collaborative and includes the surrounding community both in the creation process and the finished work.
30 minutesJola Kudela's Mural Opening
Cleaveland Street
15 minutesDrinks at ArtBomb
ArtBomb Hub
Opening Night Ticket
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended